Bushmaster Ar15 Serial Numbers

AR15A3 Tactical Carbine 6721 CC Colt Carbine R6520 CH Competition HBAR 6700 GC Government Carbine 6520 GS Governmodel Model Service 6550 MH Match HBAR 6601 ML Match Lightweight R6530 MT Match Target SP Sporter SP1 or SP2 ST Sporter Target 6551 TA 9mm 6450 6430 Above Information Courtesy Stokes Disclaimer: This list is correct to the best of my knowledge, however, I accept absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or for the consequences and/or damages occurring from any inaccuracies. I have compiled this list for the purposes of sharing information only. This is not intended to be used in any way except for personal entertainment. It is a compilation of both personal information and information submitted from others, mostly from the Internet. ALL SERIAL NUMBERS SHOULD BE VERIFIED FROM THE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ANY PURCHASE OR ASSEMBLY.

It should be clearly noted that it is a felony to possess a Post-Ban (newly assembled after Sept 13, 1994) assault weapon. Please note that BATF has ruled that 'Pre-ban' and 'Grandfathered' are two different things. A Pre-ban lower is only grandfathered if it: 1.

Was a complete rifle prior to 9/13/94; 2. Possessed two banned features (pistol grip and CAR stock assembled); or 3. Was part of a complete weapon kit, either assembled or not.

Colt Serial Number List and FAQ. ALL SERIAL NUMBERS SHOULD BE VERIFIED FROM THE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ANY PURCHASE OR ASSEMBLY. Under Bushmaster. I have a good friend who has offered to sell me his AR15 which is a Bushmaster xm15. Question re Bushmaster AR15 A2. Serial numbers of L051xxx and below are.

This list does not discern between 'Pre-ban' and 'Grandfathered' as it is very nearly impossible to find that detail of information. If any information presented here is found to be incorrect or you have additional information to contribute, please contact me via E-Mail and I will update and re-issue the list. Note:All items marked with a single asterisk (.) are taken from The year/serial numbers under Colt SP series was forwarded to me by an individual whose return address I no longer have.

Double asterisk (.) under Bushmaster, a person on the internet e-mailed me that he had a lower that was shipped stripped (thus not a complete rifle) in 1991 from Bushmaster with serial #0327XX - ALWAYS CALL TO VERIFY. Finally, BATF has allowed some pre-ban damaged to be replaced with post-ban lowers with numbers outside the ranges given below while retaining the grandfathered status. They will send a letter documenting this and allowing the original manufacturer to proceed with the replacement.

SENDRA PRE BAN AR 15 LOWER RECEIVER PRE BAN AR 15 information is very valuable to shooters in states that maintain an ASSAULT WEAPON BAN. While I dont normally advocate borrowing content from other websites I feel this information is invaluable and needs to be protected, duplicated and shared for the greater good of the shooting community. If anyone has more information and links please post them at the bottom and I will update the list. If you have a lower of from one of the lesser known brands and have managed to verify the date to the serial number please add your info to the comments and I will add it to the master list. OLYMPIC ARMS.

What does my serial number have to do with a PRE BAN AR 15? Q: What does my serial number mean? A: Nothing is more frustrating than to know little or nothing about the firearm you own or are about to buy. Use the information in this page to help determine when your Olympic Arms AR 15 was produced. Please read all of the details on this page because there are many questions answered in the following paragraphs. As many of you already know, on the 7th of June, 2000, Olympic Arms experienced a devastating fire that destroyed our sales offices.

In those offices were housed our current as well as archival records with regards to manufacture, acquisition and distribution of firearms. The books that we, as well as all federally licensed firearms dealers are required to keep are commonly known as “Bound Books”, or “A&D” (acquisition & distribution) books. These books, over 25 years of Olympic Arms history and data, were completely destroyed in that fire. All A& D book records prior to the 7th of June, 2000 are GONE. This is an unfortunate situation that severely limits our ability to provide product information for any and all AR-15 lower receivers and/or complete guns manufactured prior to that date. As a result all that we can provide is what you see below, a date “range” in which your serial number was manufactured. We CANNOT provide you with the date the serial number was shipped, we CANNOT provide you with information determining whether a particular serial number was a factory assembled firearm, and most importantly, we CANNOT determine whether or not your particular serial number is a legal grandfathered pre-ban firearm. Many people and organizations have been critical of Olympic Arms for not securing a copy of these records elsewhere, or keeping an electronic file of this data as an emergency back up.

If you’d like to read why this decision was made, please read the article in the About Us section titled “Pre-fire Bound Books”. Remember that Olympic Arms fully complied, and still does, with ATF regulations regarding A&D books.

Below you will see a list of serial numbers. At Olympic, we group our serial numbered lowers into “ranges”.

If you’ll notice, all the serial number ranges have a letter prefix but one. The initial receivers made by Olympic Arms simply contain a 4 digit serial number, no letter prefix. Each subsequent serial number range (either beginning with 0001, or 1001) will show a 1 or 2 letter prefix. Additionally, you will see several lines for serial numbers that begin with the same letter(s) prefix. These prefix series are divided by a date range to their right. These date ranges are the beginning and ending dates of the physical paper ledgers in which those numbers were recorded.

In other words, the ledger books were not large enough to contain all of the numbers (0001-9999), in one book. For that reason, there is a beginning date and end date for each ledger.


That is what you see below. Match your receiver up with the letter prefixes on the chart below. Each line is separated into 5 columns. Column 1: The serial number itself (including prefix). Column 2: The beginning serial number in that book.

Column 3: The beginning date for that book. If there is only one date listed after the serial numbers in column 2 and/or 2, all of those numbers were manufactured on that same day. Column 4: End date for that book.

Column 5: Comments regarding that range of serial numbers. The comments as listed would apply to all of the serial numbers with the prefix listed to the left. SN Range 1st Date End Date Special Notes 0001 0004 03/14/79 Prototypes 1000 8845 03/14/79 06/04/82 Cut from aluminum bar stock. Most were made for other manufacturers such as Palmetto Armory.

X1001 X2987 X2988 X3484 X2988 X3484 P0001A P0588A PAWS Z0001 Z2002 Z2003 Z3955 Z3956 Z6007 Z6008 Z8018 Z8019 Z9985 Z9986 Z9999 W1001 W2957 V0001 V0716 These receivers were manufactured for Bushmaster. While all of these are for BM, there were more. NAMV1 NAMV100 These were limited edition Vietnam War Commemoratives. USMC1 USMC320 Limited Edition US Marine Corp Commemoratives U1001 U1597 F1006 F3000 F3001 F5052 F5053 F9109 F9110 F9999 T1001 T2119 T2120 T3758 T3759 T7480 T7481 T9532 T9533 T9999 AA001 PROTOTYPE AA1001 AA2297 AA2298 AA2425 GG1000 GG1009 OA1001D OA1039D OAD1040 OAD1067 OAS1042 OAS1138 AC10000 AC10058 LL0001 LL0267 BL1000 BL2784 BL2785 BL4814 BL4815 BL6861 BL6862 BL8799 BL8800 BL9533 BS0001 BS0699 BS0700 BS0825 NF0001 NF1999 NF2000 NF3999 NF4000 NF4055 94NF1000 95NF2587 UK0001 UK0448 E1001 E2099? CA0001 CA0690 TBOR1791 TBOR1991 1991 1991 These receivers are made from Beryllium copper.

CIA0001 CIA3402 These receivers were made under contract with Century International Arms. These are NOT Olympic Arms firearms, are post ban and not supported by Olympic Arms. H1300 H3299 H3300 H3354 95H11 V1000 V1499 V1500 V2755 V2757 V3195 SA961000 SA961975 SA1975 SA3500 SA3501 SA5150 SA5151 SA6550 SA6551 SA8199 SA8200 SA9800 SA9801 SA9999 AUS1000 AUS1049 JJ0001 JJ1600 JJ1601 JJ2059 JJ2060 JJ4182 JJ4183 JJ5439 JJ5440 JJ6920 JJ6921 JJ8713 JJ8714 JJ9999 KX0001 KX1601 KX1700 KX2935 KX2936 KX4735 KX4736 KX5760 KX5761 KX7668 KX7669 KX9590 SGW0001 SGW1045 All SGW receivers are CAST receivers, and sold stripped, or as “Plinker” Rifles only. SGW1046 SGW2043 SGW2044 SGW3878 SGW3879? CURRENT MX1001 CURRENT These receivers are match-grade quality Maxhard® treated Aluminum forged receivers. BT0001 BT1853 Series named after long time employee Bill Thrall. Thanks for your service Bill!

Bushmaster Ar 15 Serial Number List

Bushmaster ar 15 serial number search

BT1854 BT3654 BT3655 BT5453 BT5454 BT7300 BT7301 M0001 M0198 03 Series Stopped because of CNC change. LP0001 LP0577 OA-98 Pistols only SM0001 SM9999 10/2005 Series names after Oly CNC programmer Steve Melby. Thanks for your service Steve!

TB0001 TB99 4/2007 Series named after long time employee Tim Butterfield. Thanks for your service Tim!

KJ0001 KJ9999 4/2007 6/2008 JF0001 JF9999 6/2008 9/2009 Series named after long time employee John Fischer. Thanks for your service John! WZ0001 WZ5686 2/2009 Current Series named after long time employee Walt Dziadyk. Thanks for your service Walt! CH0001 CH6575 9/2009 Current Series named after long time employee Chris Holeman. Thanks for your service Chris!

AR15.com The folks over at AR15. Com have compiled the list below Disclaimer: This list is correct to the best of my knowledge, however, I accept absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or for the consequences and/or damages occurring from any inaccuracies. I have compiled this list for the purposes of sharing information only. This is not intended to be used in any way except for personal entertainment. It is a compilation of both personal information and information submitted from others from the Internet. ALL SERIAL NUMBERS SHOULD BE VERIFIED FROM THE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ANY PURCHASE OR ASSEMBLY. It should be noted that it is a felony to possess a Post-Ban (newly assembled after Sept 13, 1994) assault weapon.

If any information presented here is found to be incorrect or you have additional information to contribute, please contact me via E-Mail (hkusp40@midmaine.com) and I will update and re-issue the list. Note: All items marked with a single asterisk (.) are taken from The year/serial numbers under Colt SP series was forwarded to me by an individual whose return address I no longer have. Double asterisk (.) under Bushmaster, a person on the internet e-mailed me that he had a lower that was shipped stripped (thus not a complete rifle) in 1991 from Bushmaster with serial #0327XX – ALWAYS CALL TO VERIFY. Advanced Armaments No information – Apparently machined from bar stock aluminum, lowers are marked as M-15. How to install disc on computer. American Spirit Arms (Formerly “Sun Valley Traders”) ALL lowers are Post Ban AR 15.

Bushmaster Ar15 Serial Numbers

Began introduction of lowers and rifles in mid/late 1998. Noted as having good fit & finish. Also, reported to be manufactured by Lewis Machine & Tool (LMT). Armalite Eagle Arms Slightly over S/N 30,000 was the Pre Ban AR 15 cut-off, call to verify. (Some Eagle lowers below the 30,000 range were determined to be POST BAN AR 15 by BATFE – call to verify) Armalite sells Eagle lowers, but sells factory complete rifles with Armalite lowers.

Bohica Made stainless steel lowers, rumored to have also made AR-15 pistols. Lower marked M16-SA. This is NOT verifiable info as it came from the Internet.

Out of Business. Bushmaster Below L051000 – Assembled Pre Ban AR 15 Rifles and some pre-94 lowers.

Bushmaster Serial Number Decoder

L051001-L063000 – Mixed Pre Ban Assembled Rifles and Pre-Sept 94 Lowers (Call to verify) L063001 and Up – Post Ban Century International Arms Lower marked CIA. All are Post-Ban. Made with Olympic Arms Receivers under contract.