Welcome Speech For Missionary Society Program

Speech joyal a johny church missionary society duration:. More references related to sample welcome speech for church missionary program. ADDRESS OF WELCOME TO THE MISSIONARY CONFERENCE OF QUAKER WOMEN IN. Foreign Missionary Society of. Permitted to welcome to this Missionary Conference.

  1. Missionary Work

Pastor's Aide Committee Evg. Patricia Frazier, Advisor Mission: To lift the Pastor up in prayer; to meet the needs of the Pastor, First Lady and their children by providing moral, spiritual, and financial support. Scripture: Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain,“ and, “The laborer is worthy of his wages.” - I Timothy 5:17-18 Goals: The Pastor’s Aide Committee is committed to: providing necessary support to the Pastor and his family within the church with encouraging words, prayers, and other actions of love; such as spearheading the church in celebrating the Pastor’s Anniversary, birthday, and other special occasions; extending hospitality to visiting ministers, their families and guests; and assisting Pastor in fulfilling his goals for the church and community. The members of this ministry will maintain a persona that is acceptable to our Pastor, our congregation, but above all others, to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Members: Sis. Bernice Hutchinson Sis. Mary Ann Gunn Sis. Terrell Jones Sis. Marnette Wilson Sis. Willie Mae Stokes Sis.

WelcomeWelcome speech for a program

Missionary Work

LaTraysa Carlisle.