Command And Conquer Generals Crack Excel

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1.06 Balance Patch 1.06 aims to fix the atrocious excuse that is 1.04 and to fix slight imbalances left by 1.05e. It's important to know that every listed change is from 1.04 to 1.06. If you want to participate in 1.06 competitions, visit (held in the ) (currently inactive) (currently inactive) (currently inactive) (currently inactive) Click on a faction's icon to go to their respective changelog; blue icons are global changes. Special thanks to For helping with the patch on mainly the testing aspects, and extra thanks to AngryHan for the ini-coding and ReLaX for making awesome maps. Another thanks to everyone who wishes to make use of this patch. Have a good time, and feedback is always appreciated.

Download command and conquer the ultimate collection keygens. She soon moves on to another man crack Command Conquer-Generals Zero Hour.

Download Friday, 22 August 2008 New version: Emergency fix on Demo Rebel Ambush bug This is the latest version of 1.06; overwrite your previous one. If you have trouble installing the patch, please make use of the explained procedure below. Thanks to megaC4 who was kind enough to put this together. Maps ReLaX makes awesome maps, which can all be downloaded. Tournament Desert Debugged: pathfinding issues when entering bunkers on the flanks are fixed. Winter Wolf Balanced: middle area has been made flatter to better allow for base building.

Flash Fire Balanced: Supplies are repositioned. Unofficial maps added to the official list Hard Winter (2) Lagoon (2) Melting Snow (2) Tropical Warfare (2) Sandstorm (4) Team Tropical Warfare (4) Venturous Lanes (4) This post has been edited by Sparky: Feb 2 2010, 17:28 PM. Anyone playing as Random has his army revealed on the loading screen for all players.On previous patches in games where factions are chosen on random, only USA factions had the ability to identify their opponents before deciding on a strategy of play. The GLAs didn't, but then don't really need it thanks to their general excellence in adapting to any situation. The Chinese factions however, do need it. Their strategies of play are vastly different depending on the factions they are up against and even worse: China is horrible at adapting.

Especially China Vanilla and Nuke, which were considered as the two worst factions of Zero Hour mostly for this reason. Tao thinking he plays safe with his first unit being a Battlemaster Tank, but then meeting up with an Infantry Helix is quite off-putting to say the least. Additionally, where GLA and China factions previously had to use generic build orders to suit every type of opponent or be risky and guess, more specified strategies can now be used with much less risk because of the knowledge of the opponent's faction. This results in a huge increase in variety and depth of strategies, but also a variety of maps since more are suitable for high-leveled play. Structure armour vulnerability to infantry missiles decreased from 50% to 40%. Nigh all of the units that excelled too great at base raiding were missile-based, and all of them extremely fast.

Most notably Rockvees and Battle Buses with Thrax's Gamma variant in particular, but in rarer occasions units like Bunker-Helixes were too good at this as well. They could move in circles around base structures and while being quite hard to catch, they would do massive damage to everything that got in their path.

To add to that, this also made it much too hard for especially China factions to attack the opponent, because while they would do their offence, enemy USA or GLA forces would take little stabs at their base and they could do nothing about it. So, again mostly to benefit certain China factions, the resistance of all structures in the game against infantry missiles has been increased to narrow down the losses suffered while trying to cope with such tactics. Tank armour vulnerability to.Most RTS-games are a bit too much about tanks. Zero Hour on the other hand, a bit too little.

You would expect tanks to be the meat of most battalion compositions, but in truth aren't and units like the USA Humvee, China Gattling Tank and GLA Quad Cannon had much more general prowess than their tank variants do: they were, and still are, much more versatile overall with being effective against nigh everything and have higher speed. Zero Hour is a lot about rocket infantry too, which are also present almost everywhere, against which tanks fare horrible because they get destroyed too fast. The actual point is: tanks had too little armour and needed a boost.infantry missiles decreased from 100% to 80%.This change doesn't make tanks effective against infantry units in the slightest, but it ensures that they can actually retreat before getting destroyed.

Overall this change benefits China Tank and Nuke the most, considering that they mostly use and are dependent on tanks. Kwai's elite Battlemaster Tanks and Emperor Tanks have received a much needed boost in survivability because they usually aren't fast enough to retreat, and Tao's nuclear tanks generally flee or kill infantry units with their radiation faster than they are getting killed by them.toxins decreased from 25% to 15%.Dr. Thrax's Toxin Tunnel Networks have always been a bitch to kill. Whereas regular Tunnels could be killed with a few tanks, Toxin's could not, which was rather imbalanced. On top of that, Thrax's Toxin Rebel Ambush was downright insane, leveling whole armies including even Overlords and Emperor Tanks with what seems like a few piss rays of toxin. Piss indeed; such imbalance. Again, this change is obviously mostly beneficial for the China Tank and Nuke generals.

Infantry armour vulnerability to toxins decreased from 100% to 60%.This seems like a big change, but it actually doesn't change all that much. Previously, infantry units died within a milli-second after getting hit by a toxin weapon of sorts, as opposed to uranium, which was less lethal. They're far from immune after this change, but it ensures that they can actually do something back before they die, which evens out the playing field a bit. This change does not count for the China Infantry general; go to for details. Emergency Repair 1 moved from 3 to 1 star general rank. Emergency Repair recharge timer decreased from 4min to 2min.With almost all factions having access to Emergency Repair 1 straight off the bat, new strategies are born. Repairing that first Humvee, Gattling Tank or Technical for example can be a tide-turner.

Do note that the use of this general point requires a Command Center, which actually ensures for even more variety since it was all too common to sell the Command Center after getting enough Dozers/Workers. This general point is more than worth keeping your Command Center for though. Since Emergency Repair now has a charge-up time of only two minutes, it's much more useful overall, and it's quite beneficial to upgrade to Emergency Repair 2 or 3 later on. As a whole, catching opponents off-guard with this little tool can be extremely rewarding. This post has been edited by Sparky: May 10 2009, 01:24 AM. The amount of points you gain per general promotion has been tripled. You start out with three general points and gain another three for each rank you rise.

You gain nine for being promoted to 5 star general. This change has obviously been made to balance out the general point system. There was a huge difference in general abilities in terms of effectiveness: some were borderline overpowered, while others were downright useless. And they all had the same cost of one general point, which made no sense and lowered the use of inferior abilities down to zero. Thanks to this change, a myriad of options present itself.

Since you start out with three points and most abilities available from start only cost one point, you can choose more than one general ability straight off the bat, making for interesting new combinations. Also, abilities that were too strong have been upped in cost, meaning you will have to forego other abilities to afford them. To add to that, devastating ability combinations such as the China Bomber / Artillery Barrage 2 combo for example - which usually levels entire bases, especially GLA bases where the supply gatherers are boxed in - aren't available at 3 star general rank anymore, because the Bomber is too expensive for that; you'd come one point short. Not only does this make Zero Hour less based on skillless point & click-destruction, it also warrants more use for the less popular general abilities around. For the cost of each of them in specific, have a look below.

Notice that all unit accessability-general points are lowered to the cost of only 1 point. They aren't too demanding to warrant use anymore, and going for both Marauder Tanks and SCUD Launchers or Paladin Tanks and Stealth Fighters is actually an option now. Other 1 point abilities such as Emergency Repair, Frenzy and even Artillery Training and the Vanilla GLA Hijacker have received an actual use; choosing between Frenzy and Artillery Barrage for example isn't that easy a choice to make anymore, since you can get Frenzy 3 for the same cost as only Artillery Barrage 1. It demands some more thought and makes the game much more interesting overall. USA China GLA This post has been edited by Sparky: Dec 24 2008, 05:34 AM. Global USA In the past, the United States factions were considered the hardest to play, with several people wondering why they should bother learning a USA faction when Chinas were easier to get to grips with and to win with.

However, the United States rewarded good play with some insanely effective units and the best late game options by far, making USA a very rewarding experience. 1.04 changed all this though.

Upon the discovery of Humvees being able to counter everything in the game, USA factions threw unit mixing out of the window in favour of Humvee spam. Nothing has ever dominated Zero Hour to the extent that Humvees have; they actually ended up ruining 1.04 by making Chinas obsolete and forcing GLAs into a more defensive playstyle. Not to mention Malcolm Granger, who combined Humvee spam with some atrociously strong aircraft and a gigantic amount of airstrikes to dominate any matchup, from 1v1 to 4v4.

The first concern of 1.06 was to stamp out the domination of Humvees and airstrikes, but it must also be noted that the USAs have few effective options outside of these. Thus while Humvees grow weaker, many other aspects grow stronger, from tanks to defensive tenacity. USA now takes more skill to play, but ultimately much more interesting to play as, and against. Ambulance vehicle healing ability removed. Ambulance price decreased from $700/600 to $500.This change had to be made to balance out Humvees: Ambulance healing made Humvees too dominant when attacking and was the main reason Humvees were considered uncounterable.

Humvees are an integral part of USA's early game, so weakening them would cripple the USAs. However, Humvees function well without Ambulance healing for defensive purposes, and so Ambulances no longer heal vehicles. To compensate for them losing their main purpose, Ambulance price has been decreased to $500 across the board. They can still be used as a makeshift rocket infantry counter due to their resistances, and can also be used as infantry transports; being $200-$300 less expensive than Humvees can be very useful early game.

Raptor price decreased from $1400 to $1200. Raptor build time decreased from 20s to 15s. Raptor reload time decreased from 8s to 4s.Outside of General Granger's air force and Aurora Alpha Bombers, the USA factions almost never used their aircraft. In theory Raptors are useful in a large variety of situations, but they required too much investment and, more importantly, took too long to build and reload. With these changes they can be built faster and the halved reload time makes them more reliable.

Vs Stealth Fighter damage output versus ECM Tank increased from 100 to 185. Stealth Fighter missile invulnerability to ECM countermeasures added.This is probably the second biggest change to USA made in 1.06 after the removal of Ambulance healing. Previously, Stealth Fighers were only useful against static defences - which were uncommon apart from GLA Tunnel Networks, but now they have become a surefire ECM counter. These changes ensure a clean kill on even a veteran ECM with a Subliminal Messaging boost, meaning Stealth Fighters can destroy ECMs in any given situation.

The applications of this change are huge. Firstly, General Granger finally gets something to reliably kill ECM Tanks with, and he doesn't even need to spend a General's point to do this. Perhaps more importantly, this counter is an air unit, keeping in theme with his aerial domination. General Townes also appreciates this change a lot, since not only can Stealth Fighters destroy ECMs, they can also target soft units that are protected by ECMs, such as Nuke Cannons. One Stealth Fighter can bring a Nuke Cannon into red health, scoring a kill if the Laser-Guided Missiles upgrade is researched. This is particularly useful when up against General Tao, who gives Laser a lot of trouble when he combines Overlords/ECMs with his long-range ground units. Of course, all USAs can use this against Chinas to differing extents, since they all need some way of dealing with ECMs later on.

However, this change does not obsolete ECMs in the slightest. First of all, unless your strategy implicitly involves an Airfield, you will have to build one to access Stealth Fighters, and the fact it costs $3800 for an Airfield with 2 Stealth Fighters as any USA bar Granger means you'll either be getting these late game, or delaying your Strategy Center to build them. Secondly, Stealth Fighters have minimal usefulness outside of ECM destruction, not even destroying Supply Trucks in one run without Laser-Guided Missiles. Finally, China can take a variety of countermeasures to kill them, such as adding in stealth detection to his army, researching Chain Guns, or simply bringing surplus ECM Tanks. Comanche promotion criteria changed from 0/100/200/400 to 0/200/400/800.This change is mainly to keep Granger's Comanche spam under control, but applies to other USAs as well. Comanches are quick and fairly durable once Countermeasures is researched, so the fact they could gain elite or heroic status quite quickly made them difficult to kill, and in the case of Malcolm's Stealth Comanches, near impossible. Doubling the required experience to gain veterancy makes it harder for Comanches to become overly powerful early game, but they can be brought back to 1.04 levels later on thanks to the Advanced Training upgrade.

Patriot Missile System power requirement decreased from 3 to 2.Patriot Missile Systems can be useful, and they tend to fare better against Gattling Tanks and Quad Cannons alone than Firebases do. However, their power requirement was a little too high.

With this change, USA Vanilla and USA Air Force General can build two Supply Centers, a War Factory or Airfield, and a single Patriot Missile System without needing to pay for any extra power (either through Control Rods or building a second Cold Fusion Reactor). Ranger Drop changed to Paradrop. Paradrop 1 changed from 5 Rangers to 3 Rangers and 2 Missile Defenders. Paradrop 2 changed from 10 Rangers to 6 Rangers and 4 Missile Defenders. Paradrop 3 changed from 15 Rangers to 9 Rangers and 6 Missile Defenders.Ranger Drop was just plain unappealing in 1.04; Rangers weren’t bad units, but accomplished very little on their own. Add in the other Generals Abilities available to the USAs, and there was no reason to select Ranger Drop over obviously superior choices such as A10 Strike and Pathfinder. Even with the new Generals points system, Ranger Drop would remain unused due to the limited power of Rangers alone.

For this reason, the composition of Ranger Drop was changed to include some Missile Defenders. This change makes the drop a lot easier to use effectively, as Missile Defenders can dispatch of several threats Rangers alone could never counter, such as aircraft and anti-infantry vehicles.

Missile Defenders and rangers compliment each other nicely despite sharing common weaknesses; for example, Rangers can act as a meatshield for Missile Defenders while the Missile Defenders can take out enemy vehicles, and Rangers can kill off enemy infantry using a combination of their Machine Gun and Flashbangs. Spectre Gunship 1 hit points decreased from 600 to 400. Spectre Gunship 3 hit points increased from 600 to 800. Does not affect USA Vanilla's and Laser General's Spectre Gunship.The Spectre Gunship also fell victim to competition from other abilities; the level one Gunship could destroy key structures such as War Factories and Supplies on its own, making any further investment largely unnecessary. To offset this, the level one Gunship is now easier to destroy before it finishes its attack, making extra generals points investment much more useful against areas well defended by anti-air weapons.

In contrast, the level three Gunship has had its health increased, due to the fact you could usually kill it before it completed its attack, making the extra investment largely worthless in previous versions of Zero Hour. This post has been edited by Sparky: May 10 2009, 01:34 AM. Original USA USA Vanilla The three base factions are intended to be 'jack of all trades, master of none'; while having no weaknesses, they don't particularly excel in any area. USA Vanilla already fitted this description well and could use a variety of approaches to great effect, or at least it could when it wasn't mass producing Humvees. Most of USA Vanilla's shortcomings applied to the other USA factions as well, so very few changes that exclusively change USA Vanilla have been made. The main difference from 1.04 is the much lower dependency on Humvees; apart from that USA Vanilla remains similar to its 1.04 counterpart outside of an improved air force.

Paladin Tank Point-Defense Laser delay between shots decreased from 1000 to 850.A very minor boost to increase the Paladin Tank's survivability early game, quite important because USA Vanilla relies on them more than before. This change simply ensures that a single RPG Trooper or Tank Hunter will never be able to break through the Point-Defense Laser alone, and also helps the Paladin immensely when retreating from groups of rocket infantry.

This post has been edited by Sparky: Jun 16 2008, 18:24 PM. Alexis Alexander USA Super Weapon General She is in control of probably the weirdest faction Zero Hour has on offer; it relies on defence.

Because camping was widely frowned upon and she has always resided in the depths of mediocrity, many viewed her as just an inferior USA on 1.04 and preferred one of her counterparts instead. The Super Weapon faction has therefore remained rather unexplored. Her issue has always been the early game, where she struggled to fend off enemy attacks and often didn't even make it to late game, where her strengths lie. This changed in 1.05e where Alexander's early game has been improved and she turned into a very competent general. This is actually an understatement, as it turned out that her late game was devastatingly overpowered.

It then comes as no surprise that 1.06 aims to nerf her late game, while keeping her early game on level. Aurora Alpha Bomber Fuel Air Bomb weapon radius decreased from 70 to 20. Ever since this unit came into play in patch 1.02 it has been nerfed and it never seemed enough.

Who needed super weapons when you have access to Aurora Alphas? This unit shouldn't be anti-everything, but it was. It decimated entire armies in one strike and refused to die. In this patch, Aurora Alphas have been brought down to earth and turned into support units. Use them to support your other units and EMP Patriots; you will likely fail when you try to fully rely on them. Tomahawk Missile Launcher price decreased from $1400 to $1200.

With the big nerf on Aurora Alphas, Alexis has to rely on a variety of other units to fill the void that Alphas left. The Tomahawk is one of these. As stand-alone units they don't have a very long lifespan and won't do much, but when being protected by EMP Patriots they're a force to be reckoned with as they make breaching through Alexis' defences exponentially harder. Though, like with a lot of her units, they were too expensive to be worthwile.

Microwave Tank access requirement decreased from Strategy Center to War Factory.With the removal of Ambulance healing the Superweapon General lost her reliable Tunnel Network counter early game, and so GLA could take map control against her with little effort. This is where the Microwave Tank comes in. Not only does it do a good job of disabling Tunnel Networks, it can also clear out enemy garrisons, making it a strong option against defensive GLAs. Its utility is not limited to purely this though, as it performs incredibly well against the Gattling Tank/Troop Crawler combination early game, taking little damage from them and frying the Red Guard, leaving the Gattling Tanks to be destroyed by anti-vehicle weapons.

It also makes a brilliant Patriot Drop counter against other USA factions. This post has been edited by Sparky: Apr 10 2009, 19:17 PM. 'Pinpoint' Townes USA Laser General General 'Pinpoint' Townes' playstyle is probably the closest to USA Vanilla; while Alexander and Granger prefer to play in the air, Townes feels at home on the ground playing a tank-heavy style. His Laser Tanks are powerful, especially when supported by cheap Avengers, but he misses Tomahawks a lot at times.

Probably the most straightforward of the four USA factions, Townes has received few exclusive boosts, and plays very similarly to his 1.04 incarnation, although he has a new dimension in his improved airforce. Malcolm 'Ace' Granger USA Air Force General Ace indeed. Throughout the entire history of Zero Hour, Granger has been the best, hands down. Every single aspect of his arsenal was extremely lethal, up to a point where Malcolm's weaknesses even overshadowed the strengths of his fellow USA generals. Everything they did, he did better. 1.06 put an end to this madness, and Malcolm had to give up his deity status. He is no longer as untouchable as he used to be and plays like he is supposed to play: aircraft-heavy.small arms increased from 62% to 70%.Malcolm's Comanches need a fair amount of resistance to anti-air fire after being upgraded if he is to rely heavily on his airforce, but previously they were a bit too tough.

With this change they are still hard to destroy, but now they will take a bit more damage than before. Combine this with the global veterancy changes to Comanches making it harder to gain auto-healing, and Countermeasures-upgraded Comanches are now much more counterable than they were previously. Carpet Bomb moved from 1 to 3 Star General rank. Malcolm has always been the general ability god, mainly thanks to his Carpet Bomb. This B2-variant is a lot better than China's carpet bombers, for a multitude of reasons: the B2 is faster, has a Point-Defense Laser and the bombs are dropped closer together. Not only that, but the thing was available right from the start; Granger only required a Strategy Center.

This not only was too powerful to stand up against, it also made for some highly abusive strategies. Global China On paper, the Chinas have always seemed to be the easiest faction to play; while GLA and USA have to rely more heavily on precise control, the Chinas relied on mass-producing units, resulting in complaints about ‘skillless’ tactics like Nuke Battlemaster spam and manspam tactics in the past. While it may be easy to get to grips with the Chinas, they’re incredibly difficult to master due to their general inefficiency compared to their USA and GLA counterparts, and making sure that their mass spam actually accomplishes something is more difficult than it seems. In 1.04 the Chinas proved to be overall the worst factions in the game; they had less powerful units, they had an abysmally poor late game, and they were even arguably inferior at unit spamming than GLA and USA at times. If they weren’t being destroyed by the enemy early game, they were likely being outcamped instead. The Chinas ended up relying on a select number of units that could actually do some real damage and didn’t bother building much else, even resulting in factions like the Tank general spamming Helixes against GLAs since his ground units just couldn’t keep up.

1.06 looks to give the Chinas a lot of their mass-production tactics back while weakening some of their more effective units to ensure a variety of units must be used, and also gives them noticeable late-game boosts, in particular to their economy. Original China China Vanilla China was the odd base faction in 1.04.

While GLA/USA played as a mix of all their respective subfactions, China tended to abuse its aircraft a lot and barely touched its ground forces. 1.06 completely changes this however, not only making its air force less dominant, but also boosting the viability of their ground forces massively.

China can now heavily rely on easier to produce low-tier units that remain inferior to most others, while still keeping some units that are very effective when used well, such as their air units and Dragon Tanks. While not standing out in any particular area, China has gained a ton of unpredictability; it can now use infantry spam, tank-based armies and aircraft, or any combination of these. It’s a whole new experience.

Battlemaster Tank price decreased from $800 to $650. Battlemaster Tank build time decreased from 10s to 8s.These units were just a joke in 1.04, and easily claimed the title of China’s most awful unit. They were slow, couldn’t take a hit, and couldn’t deal any damage. However, both Nuke Battlemasters and Kwai’s veterancy-ready Battlemasters were already very useful units, and boosting the strength of China Vanilla's Battlemasters would result in their cousins becoming overpowered. Therefore, China Battlemasters were made far cheaper and quicker to produce. Any fears that this would turn China into a tankspam faction were easily put to rest, since they are still inferior to units like the Scorpion Tank and Overlord Tank, which have never been truly dominant.

Battlemasters are useful now, but nowhere near overwhelming, or even compulsory thanks to Listening Outposts providing a good alternative. MiG price increased from $1200 to $1400.These were very effective in 1.04, so much so that China almost always chose to concentrate on these and Helixes rather than ground units. Now China has an improved ground force, this change is needed to prevent them from delaying opponents with cheap ground units while they research Black Napalm, then going into full-blown Migspam.

This change also helps to make China a bit more interesting in team games, rather than being limited to a pseudo-Air Force General style of play. Ta Hun Kwai China Tank General Supposedly a specialist in tanks, General Kwai was pretty underwhelming. His armour was outclassed by units such as Nuke Overlords and Scorpions, and due to Kwai's very linear nature this proved to be crippling. For this reason, Kwai's forces have received a few boosts, in particular the global resistance to missiles that every tank in the game received. While he may now seem to be absurdly powerful with his straightforward playstyle, he is still limited by factors like expensive air units, expensive infantry and a lack of long-range weapons, as well as still having the weakest late game. His tanks may be strong, but they are not indestructible. Hacker price decreased from $780 to $650.All China factions have a weak late game in 1.04; the main reason for this is their Hackers being inferior to USA/GLA secondary economy.

They took too long to pay for themselves, and they would die to just about anything that came near them. This change makes them more affordable late game.

The reason Kwai’s Hackers remain the most expensive is due to the fact that Kwai is meant to have a weak late game. They’re still far more affordable than in 1.04, where it was very rarely profitable to bother with them at all. This post has been edited by Sparky: Aug 1 2013, 12:07 PM. Super Hacker price decreased from $625 to $550.All China factions have a weak late game in 1.04; the main reason for this is their Hackers being inferior to USA/GLA secondary economy. They took too long to pay for themselves, and they would die to just about anything that came near them.

This change makes them more affordable late game. With the Super Hacker's stealth and starting veterancy, Fai actually has a very solid late game economy, though this is balanced out by the fragile nature of his units. This post has been edited by Sparky: Aug 1 2013, 12:05 PM. Tsing Shi Tao China Nuke General As the general of the most popular Chinese faction in the past, Tsing Shi Tao is known for his nuclear tanks more than anything else. However, a large vulnerability to rocket infantry and aircraft made it hard to use Nuke effectively against most factions.

So much that Nuke was among the worst factions of 1.04. 1.06 seeks to tone down these weaknesses and make the Nuclear faction more viable overall. While it may seem to be incredibly strong at first due to its easy-to-learn nature, it is never overwhelming against any faction. Although Tao can now hold his own perfectly fine, with a bit of work, any faction can compete with, and ultimately defeat, Shi Tao the Nuke. Isotope Stability upgrade price decreased from $2000 to $1000.As the signature upgrade of the Nuclear General, this was overpriced, especially when you consider how the explosion this upgrade removes can often be useful.

The high cost of this and Nationalism resulted in Overlord/ECM being far more popular than Nuke Battlemasters later on, since the latter require Isotope Stability to be effective en masse. Now the upgrades themselves are a bit more balanced in cost, Nuke has more options later on. Global GLA Compared to USA and China, GLA is the weaker army in terms of raw power and will therefore have to avoid taking them head on. Instead, it relies on hit & run attacks with a sneaky, stealthy approach. Or at least, that is how it is supposed to be. Which it wasn't.

GLA factions have never really been like they should be in Zero Hour, they just missed their point. Even though said approach was available, it was made obsolete, because GLA was much better at fighting with a linear style of play, going head to head or just by camping. It was downright overpowered. 1.06 changes all this. The Global Liberation Army has always had an almost unlimited amount of potential in terms of creativity, but this potential was widely unused and unexplored, until now. GLA factions will have to be highly creative and innovative to win their games, and will truly be GLA.

Technical promotion criteria changed from 0/50/75/150 to 0/50/150/300. One could say that the Technical is the backbone of every GLA. While this may be true, it is meant in the sense of transport units, not powerhouses. They can be very hard to kill thanks to their speed, and when they also pack a punch, they can be unstoppable. So, combined with the loss of salvage crates previously left behind by China Dozers and Supply Trucks, this change makes it much harder for Technicals to gain elite/heroic status and turn into a speedy auto-healing killing machine. Worker Shoes upgrade research time increased from 10s to 25s. It's weird that the Worker Shoes upgrade isn't mandatorily used, because it's awesome.

It speeds up GLA's resource collecting in two ways: it increases the speed of the Workers and the amount they gather. While this is only very useful in normal circumstances, it becomes blatantly overpowered when GLA manages to get a hold of four or more supply areas, which does occasionally happen. Its economy skyrockets and GLA becomes overwhelming. The research time increase doesn't completely compensate for this, but it's enough. Anthrax Beta upgrade research price decreased from $2500 to $1000. Anthrax Beta upgrade moved from Palace to Black Market. The Anthrax Beta upgrade is rather circumstantial.

It never does a lot, but can occasionally come in handy. Though not with a price tag of $2500, which is therefore decreased to a more manageable level. It's moved to Black Market mainly to keep it in line with Thrax's Anthrax Gamma upgrade. It won't be making any difference anyway, because when there is the need for this upgrade, a Black Market has almost always been built already.

Original GLA GLA Vanilla Since all GLA's are a lot alike, GLA Vanilla never saw a lot of daylight; it just lacked an exclusive skill. Having the ability to do almost everything just didn't compare to the specific GLA generals' signature strengths as much as desired. GLA Vanilla may have a ton of creative options, but previous patches offered no use for these and it was outmatched by its comrades. However, this has changed with patch 1.06.

From being inferior in nearly all places to having a great niche use with it's cheap and colourful arsenal, GLA Vanilla can do everything and found it's rightful place alongside Toxin, Demolition and Stealth. Hijacker access requirement decreased from Palace to Arms Dealer. The sheer inaccessibility of these Hijackers had put their use down to basically zero. With the new general point system, GLA Vanilla's Hijackers are actually worth their point cost. Combined with the price of $400 and a decent training time, they are very good at surprise attacking, if only they could be trained pre-tech.

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You still need to reach general rank 3 to get them though, which is a good thing because GLA Vanilla is not Kassad. SCUD Launcher Anthrax Warhead damage output increased from 200 to 250. SCUD Launcher Anthrax Warhead damage radius increased from 30 to 50. The truth is that these changes are a side-effect of the changes applied to Dr.

Thrax's SCUD Launcher, because they are linked. So this change doesn't serve much of a purpose, but it doesn't really get in the way of anything either. The High Explosive Warhead still does more damage, so don't worry about that. This post has been edited by Sparky: Feb 3 2009, 22:35 PM. Thrax GLA Toxin General Dr.

Thrax's signature abilities involve around anthrax. Most of his units have toxin traits, which gives them natural anti-infantry capabilities. Another one of the main strengths Thrax possesses is a huge advantage in urban warfare; the fact that his Rebels and Toxin Tunnel Networks instantly clear garissoned structures makes him able to overcome and hold urban areas with great ease. Though it is thanks to other aspects that the Toxin faction is seen as massively overpowered in any pre-1.05e patch. The sheer power Dr. Thrax possessed was unmatched by any other GLA faction, coming forth through the likes of Toxin Tunnels, Anthrax Gamma missiles, Toxin Rebel Ambush and even the Toxin SCUD Storm.

They were unfairly powerful in a multitude of situations. 1.06 aims to tone down Thrax's peaks of overpoweredness and to focus more on his signature strengths. While still being very powerful, Toxin has been brought down to earth and is much more beatable on all fronts than it was before. Demo Trap price decreased from $600 to $400. Demo Trap build time decreased from 8s to 5s. Being the first in a row of inferior counterparts of otherwise good attributes Dr.

Thrax had to do with, the Toxin Demo Trap didn't have much going for it. It was too expensive and took too much time to build; they were a complete waste. Though they do have one advantage over the other Demo Traps, being the fact that they immediately explode when triggered.

This, combined with these changes, makes them quite usable. SCUD Launcher damage output increased from 200 to 250. SCUD Launcher damage radius increased from 30 to 50. The reason behind this change is mostly Thrax crying for an anti-China artillery unit, but it also benefits other situations.

Since his SCUD Launchers can only use the Anthrax Warhead, they have always been rather mediocre. Even though they are still less powerful than the High Explosive Warhead, they deal a pretty decent damage and are very much worth their price and lowered general point cost. Anthrax Gamma upgraded Bomb Truck Bio Bomb upgrade damage output increased.from 1000 to 2000. In the same trend as Thrax's SCUD Launcher, his Bomb Truck also only has access to the anthrax based weapon, the Bio Bomb.

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Which is also mediocre. In several occasions Dr. Thrax wished he could build a Bomb Truck that actually dealt some acceptable damage, and now his wish has come true.

When the Anthrax Gamma upgrade has been researched, the Bio Bomb upgrade gains an additional high explosive effect. This post has been edited by Sparky: Jun 16 2008, 22:20 PM. Rodall 'Demo' Juhziz GLA Demolition General Not only does Rodall have enhanced power on all of GLA's demolition attributes, he also has the ability to blow up every single unit in his arsenal at will and deal massive damage with them after having researched the Demolitions upgrade. All of this should prove he's more than worthy of his middle name; it's true that if his opponents saw one of his demolition attacks coming, they were already dead.

The bad part about this was that they could do little about it. Juhziz's signature ability, the Demolitions upgrade, enhanced his Combat Cycles and Rebel Ambush in such a way that they were downright impossible to stop. Therefore, Rodall's opponents often stopped building any groundforces because there was just no point, and switched to an airbourne approach. This obviously can't be the idea, so some changes had to be made. Prince Kassad GLA Stealth General Prince Kassad, the master of stealth. Not much of this was shown in patch 1.04, where Kassad was as straight-forward as you can get, able to take on most armies head on with raw power.

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This was and could never be the intention, so a few game-altering changes needed to be made. Being the leader of the Stealth faction, it is implied Kassad should rely on sneaky and hit & run tactics; 1.06 forces Prince Kassad to be creative and to use the element of surprise. Expect to see everything in his arsenal used to the fullest.

Hijacker access requirement increased from Barracks to Arms Dealer. Prince Kassad requiring an Arms Dealer to be able to train Hijackers should be obvious. Arms Dealer-less build orders involving massive Tunnel Network spam and some Hijackers were blatantly overpowered in some situations, especially thanks to the fact that capturing that first China Dragon Tank means a free win right there, and there's not a lot China could do about it besides not building that rather essential Dragon Tank.

Though there is only a thin line of balance here. Hijackers requiring an Arms Dealer does mean Kassad has some issues in stopping those early Dragon Tanks from destroying his Tunnels. He will have to be creative.

Quad Cannon price increased from $700 to $750. Increasing the price of Kassad's only solid pre-tech vehicle seems a little awkward, but it actually isn't. At $700, Quads are a little too easy to spam.

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Combined with cloaked Tunnel Networks and cheap Buggies, They made Kassad possess a bit too much raw power, not to mention completely screwing over his faction design. With fewer Quads, he will have to rely more on his cloaked attributes instead. This post has been edited by Sparky: Jun 16 2008, 22:18 PM.

Cameos In this case, cameos are the small icons of upgrades that show up next to the display image of a selected unit or structure in the bottom right corner. Previous Zero Hour versions had a flawed display of cameos; some were wrongly added, while some were missing. While for some reason the USA cameos were already fixed in previous patches, the China and GLA ones were not. 1.06 fixed these as well.

Below is a detailed outlet of this. USA Composite Armor icon removed from Super Weapon/Air Force Microwave Tank. China Radar upgrade icon added to Command Center. Napalm Bomb upgrade icon added to China Vanilla/Tank Helix. Speaker Tower upgrade icon changed to purchased for Emperor Tank. Nationalism upgrade icon added to Mini-Gunner.

Nationalism upgrade icon added to Infantry Tank Hunter. Patriotism upgrade icon added to Infantry Tank Hunter. Uranium Shells icon added to Nuke Battlemaster Tank. Uranium Shells icon added to Nuke Overlord Tank.

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Nuclear Tanks icon added to Nuke Battlemaster Tank. Nuclear Tanks icon added to Nuke Overlord Tank. Nuke Bomb upgrade icon added to Nuke Helix. GLA Anthrax Beta upgrade icon added to GLA Marauder Tank. Anthrax Gamma upgrade icon added to Toxin RPG Trooper.

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Anthrax Gamma upgrade icon added to Toxin Marauder Tank. Anthrax Gamma upgrade icon added to Toxin Stinger Site. Anthrax Gamma upgrade icon added to Toxin SCUD Storm.

Camouflage upgrade icon removed from Toxin Rebel. Booby Trap upgrade icon added to Demo Rebel. Demolitions upgrade icon added to Demo Tunnel Network.

Demolitions upgrade icon added to Demo Stinger Site. Camouflage upgrade icon added to Stealth Rebel. Anthrax Beta upgrade icon added to Stealth Bomb Truck. Anthrax Beta upgrade icon added to Stealth SCUD Storm. This post has been edited by Sparky: Dec 23 2008, 21:39 PM.