Electrolux Washtech 50 Manual
Electrolux Washtech 50 Manual eBooks Electrolux Washtech 50 Manual is available on PDF, ePUB and DOC format. You can directly download and save in in to your device. Acer.
Phone: Sean 0412 034948 Email: The Washtech M2-E has a gold star reputation among medium sized restaurants throughout Australia.The powerful 750W wash pump recirculates 350 litres per minute for an excellent wash performance. It has a 60 second cycle wash time and washes up to 1000 plates an hour.
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The M2 can be fitted into a 600mm or 640mm bench gap.
Phone: Sean 0412 034948 Email: The Washtech M2-E has a gold star reputation among medium sized restaurants throughout Australia.The powerful 750W wash pump recirculates 350 litres per minute for an excellent wash performance. It has a 60 second cycle wash time and washes up to 1000 plates an hour. The M2 can be fitted into a 600mm or 640mm bench gap.